Friday, April 11, 2014

Dorothy Alison once said, "Class, race, sexuality, gender and all other catagories by which we catergorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from the insde." It means you don't need to put no one in a certain position were you wouldn't wanna be yourself. We are all equal. This quote is true cause you don't need to judge no one cause we are all the same. Doesn't matter how they look. This can be clearly seen in the book "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am Hazel

I am very sick
I wonder how it feels to not be sick
I hear pills rattling
I see my oxygen tank
I want a normal life
I am very sick

I pretend to not care
I feel very tired all the time
I touch my tubes going to my nose to help my breath
I worry that I'm going to die
I cry when I'm depressed
I am very sick

I understand my time is almost up in this world
I say I have almost completed my journey
I dream to be cured from my sickness
I try to pretend every things ok
I hope ill get better one day
I am very sick.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -Christopher Reeve ("Superman")

Its meaning that a hero can be anybody and they can do anything to a hero.
I agree with what the quote says cause says cause your mom can be a hero and she didn't do nothing but raise same with anything else. It doesn't really have to be someone famous to be your hero. It can be anybody. My mom is my hero. Shes not famous but shes done a lot of stuff to be my hero.